Sunday, January 24, 2010

One Happy Family

Well as you can see I have not updated my blog in forever! I guess its the business of having a baby! I never knew how much time they take and I am loving every minute of it !! Well so far our life has been amazing having our sweet little wonder! Dallon brings us so much joy to our lives and we are amazed daily on how smart and handsome he is! I know I am not the only person to feel that way about their children! They are such a great blessing and we feel privileged to have been chosen to have him in our home. So we have been busy I will give a few updates on what going on. So Bella our dog had 11 puppies one week after Dallon was born ( that was the craziest time in my life) But I loved having so many babies in our home! But it was a lot of work!! So we sold all of her puppies 7 weeks after they were born and made a good profit Around 3400 which allowed me to stay home from work for 12 weeks, which was so fantastic. But it came to an end and I have been back to work since September. I am working about 35 hours a week so its a little reduced, but hopefully in February my schedule changes and I can go down to 32 hours a week so that will be nice! And of course during this time Dallon has been growing like a weed! He has been in the 100th percentile in both height and weight since he was 2 month old! So we are constantly buying new clothes! But he is as cute as can be. I can already tell since he has a bit of a temper that he is going to wear us out but being an active little boy. He can now sit up on the floor by himself and play with toys which helps his Mama so I can get chores done. He also loves loves loves Bella and i am convinced that his first word will be Bella instead of Mama or Dada. He completely lights up when she is in the room and giggles and laughs so hard at her its so funny! Michael is back in school this semester and is taking 10 credits.. I think he finally feels more motivation to get done with school. He is also working 40 hours a week so we are very busy, but we are loving life!!


Unknown said...

Love reading your blog and feeling your love for your sweet baby Dallon. I'm missing seeing him. Hope you can come for a visit soon.

Lynners said...

Hey cute lady! How are you guys lately? I hope all is well with you and yours.

The Nursery

Christmas Time